BMW “The Ultimate Driving Machine”
We paid extra for the, “Ultimate” when we bought our cars!
Yet 90% of us have little or no knowledge of our car’s limits– which far exceed most other vehicles. For Safety Sake, we need to know what our options are in an emergency.
SWMS (SouthWest MotorSports) has an event in two weeks (September 28 and 29—The last Saturday and Sunday of this month) at “Sandia Raceway”. While the original purpose was to teach competitive driving, it also helps those of us who just want to learn how to optimize our driving, –to understand our BMW’s capabilities and how that can help us in daily driving by making us safer.
I have a 2018 BMW X5 with no intention of ever “racing “! I just want to know how to drive it better. That is why I am enrolled in the Saturday course for $140.
Anyone interested in maximizing their ability should do both days for $275.
How much more than this have you spent on your car?
Isn’t it time to improve you?
Are you interested?
Go to:
- Click on the option: DRIVING AND RACING INFO (may be on screen bottom)
- Click on the option: DRIVING SCHOOL
- Go to the very bottom of the page (black section):
- Find and click on: FORMS
- Find and Click on: STUDENT ENTRY
- Complete the Form and check. Send to Marci—address on form.
Contact Doug Brosveen
BMW Car Club of America New México Chapter Board Member
Or, John Slenes, SWMS Chief Driving Instructor,
Home: 505-298-7007, Cell 505-250-7234